gp24019 Square Planter
£135.00 (Inc VAT)
gp24018 Square Planter
£140.00 (Inc VAT)
gp24015 Urn
£85.00 (Inc VAT)
sw24012 - 4 Reproduction D Troughs
£195.00 each (Inc VAT)
st1017 A large classic plinth
£135.00 (Inc VAT)
ST002 2 no. reproduction Corinthium Columns with fluted sides.
£216.00 (Inc VAT)
SW013 A reconstituted stone effect plinth : type E
£101.00 (Inc VAT)
sw0946 A reconstituted stone, large "Flower Pot" planter.
£315.00 (Inc VAT)
sw19005 Number of large columns with corinthiam capital and column bases.
£2500.00 (Inc VAT)
sw23016 Plinth
£295.00 (Inc VAT)
sw23014 Round tall column.
£216.00 (Inc VAT)
sw23013 A reproduction "Plinth" ("D")
£70.00 (Inc VAT)
SW009 A reproduction plinth (type D).
£101.00 (Inc VAT)
SW008 A reproduction urn (type E) on a plinth.
£164.00 (Inc VAT)
sw0919 A reproduction plinth (Type C).
£84.00 (Inc VAT)
sw0907 A reproduction "tapered tub" on a plinth.
£125.00 (Inc VAT)
sw0917 A reproduction plinth (Type B).
£70.00 (Inc VAT)
sw23007 Stone Column
£85.00 (Inc VAT)
sw17000 A reproduction, "Plinth" ("D")
£48.00 (Inc VAT)
sw121002 A reproduction, reconstituted stone effect "Urn" (Type E).
£176.00 (Inc VAT)
sw1204 A large, weathered reproduction trough.
£750.00 (Inc VAT)
sw0974 A pair of reproduction reconstituted stone effect Urns (E) on Plinths (D) sandy in colour.
Price on application
sw1214 A reproduction, reconstituted stone effect "Urn" Type C.
£118.00 (Inc VAT)
sw0973 A reproduction, reconstituted stone effect "Plinth" Type C .
£111.00 (Inc VAT)
sw0960 A reproduction, reconstituted stone effect "pump trough" on tall legs.
£186.00 (Inc VAT)
sw1219 A very large reproduction reconstituted stone effect "Barn Water Trough".
£650.00 (Inc VAT)
sw0930 A reproduction, reconstituted stone effect "Plinth". (Type D)
£111.00 (Inc VAT)
sw1213 A reproduction, reconstituted stone effect "Urn" (Type D).
£152.00 (Inc VAT)
sw0927 A reproduction, reconstituted stone effect "Rectangular Trough", on feet. (Type D)
£95.00 (Inc VAT)
sw0925 A reproduction, reconstituted stone effect "Recangular Trough" on feet . (Type C).
£70.00 (Inc VAT)
sw0921 A reproduction, reconstituted stone effect half round "Pump Trough" . (Type C)
£120.00 (Inc VAT)
sw0920 A reproduction reconstituted stone effect "Flower Pot". (Type B).
£36.00 (Inc VAT)
sw0918 A reproduction reconstituted stone effect, "Honey Pot on Plinth" .
£132.00 (Inc VAT)
sw1215 A reconstituted stone effect urn (Type B).
£87.00 (Inc VAT)
sw0915 A reconstituted stone effect, half round pump trough. ("Type B")
£60.00 (Inc VAT)
sw0913 A reconstituted stone effect "Square lipped", planter on a plinth.
£113.00 (Inc VAT)
sw0912 A reconstituted stone effect, pair of "Honey Pot" planters .
£90.00 (Inc VAT)
sw0911 A reconstituted stone effect "Manhole Trough" , on a pair of legs.
£180.00 (Inc VAT)
sw0910 A reconstitued stone effect "Large round trough". (Type "C")
£169.00 (Inc VAT)
sw0904 A reconstituted stone effect, square trough. (Type "C")
£120.00 (Inc VAT)
sw0903 A reconstituted stone effect, small round trough. (Type "A").
£50.00 (Inc VAT)
SW025 A reproduction reconstituted stone effect, trough, on a pair of feet (Type E)
£120.00 (Inc VAT)
SW027 A large reconstituted stone effect square trough (type E).
£440.00 (Inc VAT)
SW037 A reconstituted stone effect, trough on a pair of feet. Type F
£218.00 (Inc VAT)
sw0928 Large repoduction, reconstituted stone effect, "Horse Trough" on a pair of feet
£340.00 (Inc VAT)
sw1212 A type "C" reproduction, reconstituted stone effect, corner trough.
£130.00 (Inc VAT)
ST005 Victorian, cast iron urn/planter on a plinth. Painted green.
SOLD £550.00 (Inc VAT)
st1019 A pair of tall columns.
sw0959 An Antique Stone Tying Post.
SOLD £150.00 (Inc VAT)
st0934 Reclaimed Natural Stone Balustrades
sw0906 A weathered reproduction urn.