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if0912 Reclaimed, square Edged, Pine flooring

if0912 Reclaimed, square Edged, Pine flooring

The board illustrated in the top picture on the left, is 8" wide Reclaimed, square Edged, Pine flooring. This has been cut from old, reclaimed floor joist.

The boards in the lower picture on the left show a display panel that has been sanded, and has had boiled linseed oil applied prior to waxing :  

The top section of display panel has a :      

"Distressed Finish" then Dark Oak Bri-wax has been applied.

The middle section of the display panel has :

Dark Oak Bri-wax applied.

The Bottom section has :

Clear Bri-wax applied.

The boards are not finished in any way when purchased and will require some filling, minor sanding and final finishes

We can recommend our suggested method of fixing and finishing and this can be discussed if you wish to contact us.

Sizes: 204mm (8") wide boards

Price per square yard
VAT included
